
Neon Coloring : Latest cuting " LOB Coloring " Lob 设计染发

Neon Coloring : Latest cuting " LOB Coloring " Lob 设计 染 发,色棕色调,中长发,中分,个性短发。 本店店长‘达人“ Darren 将推出今年夏秋一定人气不败的剪发,发型对了,整个人就开始有型了,你”型“ 了吗? 毫无疑问,炎热的夏天,秋天,短发的清爽感很受到欢迎。个性的女生用短发整理自己的风格,或是搭配自己鲜艳的的色彩设计,都很有加分的效果。蓝紫灰粉红色系列,设计的挑染,今年在外国很特出,国内也会是如此。放胆试试时尚的新”型’吧。

Inspiration, We create beautiful for Life.

2015 Stage Hair Culture 

Stage Hair Culture ( Founder/ Artistic Director)

我的自序篇(Founder/Artistic Director ) Of Stage Hair Culture 这是一种无限的力量,不是无衣物の裸露,而是没有面具之下の惶恐。 我常常告诉我自己,我能踏出今天の社会,融入“专业美发业”是我值得的一件充实的事。我一直学习一件事:如何融入这个社会。想起当初的自己,从哪里来的勇气踏入这一业。 想起当初,因为受伤,放弃了一些事。让我失去升大学的机会。从放弃到我下定决心踏入了“美发业”短短的半年,让我从此看到光芒。我来自一个非常纯朴的小家庭。父母总认为我是叛逆の小孩。他们认为学历是所有的一切。当时平淡の家庭,也只能学会独立。 还记得当时没学历也赚不多钱,只好偷偷买了一张单程机票到文莱工作。当时身上只有250马币,换了文莱钱币只有90多。我在文莱有一句话 “早餐一粒包子:当早餐午茶,午餐公司剩便当:当午餐晚餐。 文莱生活简单,平淡。在这只能说是“孤独侠”所谓能熬过,是一片晴天。 2009年踏入了新加坡时尚国,让我变的更佳了解自己办事能力。说到新加坡,来自小城市の我,也不懂什么是自动进款机,在捷运站搞的一塌糊涂。原来新加坡自动进款机是如此の先进。连搭捷运都迷路。 新加坡我总带着朋友的一句 话“快速面,面包吃了三个月还不怕!总领了薪水对自己好一点,别这么剩吧,老兄!” 想起当初的我朋友问我“哪这么大胆?” 这问题并无法让我解释。当时的我害怕大家看到我的柔弱,哭泣对我来说是回家の事。说不幸苦是假的,不难过也是骗人的。 让我面对人群时,总有厚厚冷漠の面具,总认为面具可以让我有不被欺负の安全感。在我の生命里总认为只要努力就可以摆脱一切的障碍。 人生从哪里跌倒,从哪里爬起,别因为失败,放弃了自己。而最价值の事,是从未放弃过。

New Stage Hair Culture


Stage Hair Culture "We Like Fashion"

Summer fashion shoot created from themes of cover view .

2012 Stage Hair Cilture behind the scene.

Most interesting shoot in town , with Ivan Bong , Colin Thian(twenty two one stop wedding zone )

Stage Hair Culture Since 2012

Stage Hair Culture  Stage Hair Culture now is opened !!! 09-05-12 Stage Hair culture is now opened , Locating at most crowed street in the city. Jalan Song which is the famous street in delicious food u can found at the night time. Peach Garden , The Emporium , Porkies lounge n grills , Ah Yu Ge and Sixth Coffee Shop.   S tage Hair Culture is a concept n idea from a Mix up Japanese n Korean Style , more to cutting following with head shape n quality in Skills provide to customer. The salon is decor An elegent , romance , classic. The interior is white with the walls painted bold black ,but the square long mirors casual and reaxing enviroment in the Kuching city .Mostly Stage Hair culture will following the season to created hair style n color to our customer. Stage Hair Culture is successful opened in 9th of May,where esteemed customers were invited to Share the Joy. Sandwiched between a convenience store Sin Nam Fatt and a Fish Soup Master Stage ...