
Showing posts from 2008

MasaStylish-Hirofumi Kera

Masa Stylish-Hirofumi Kera Our latest styles,collectively called Vague,are characterised by asn airy feel-wavy hir that looks as if it was lifted by a breeze from below.These hairstyleswillgo wellwhith season's ethnic theme. The words "vague' refers to the state of something being ambiguous. What we have in the mind here is the ideal of a mysterious, exlusive, and alluring woman. In other words, our proposed hairstyles have shifted from frminine to cool. One year ago, the Masa Team proposed a mushroom-shaped silhoutte, which later on developed into the A-line silhoutte. Now,the edges have been shaved to create the pentagonal silhoutte which is more airy. In Japan, people tend to like having more heaviness to the hair but we no to create that heavy look by more airy. the hairstyles are based on the Bob hairstyles, however, we created a lot of layes in the middle section and that is how the lightless is produced. The styles in the past have a cleaner alignment and digital pe

Kim Robinson教妳打造07/08秋冬復古髮型

Kim Robinson教妳打造07/08秋冬復古髮型 Q1. 秋冬流行哪一種髮型﹖ Kim﹕ 今季的潮流會以 60 年代當紅的電影明星為主,髮型要予人一種柔和﹑性感﹑親切的感覺,配合 60 年代的妝容 ( 尤其眼睫毛 ) ,將會在香港大熱。 Q2. 男性今季流行的hair style是怎樣的﹖女性方面又如何﹖ Kim﹕ 男生的髮型同樣要有60年代的感覺,要side parting,梳理的時候要較貼薄,加上造型啫喱,配合skinny tie,效果不俗﹗ Q3. 08年在髮型方面流行哪一種顏色﹖ Kim﹕ 顏色方面要個人化,沒有指定哪一種髮色,最重要是配合自己的個性。當然較為有動感﹑性感﹑鬈曲的都是今季潮流之一。 Q4. 怎樣找到適合自己的髮型﹖ Kim﹕ 要找到合適的髮型,先要了解自己的品味和面形,視乎個人的風格,以及髮腳的cutting,要有style,否則會變得呆板。 Q5. 有哪些髮型適合OL﹖ Kim﹕ 個人認為髮型不是界定於哪一個行業上,而是很個人化的。 Q6. 東方人的輪廓可以配襯哪一種髮型﹖ Kim﹕ 現在沒有再分亞洲人或歐洲人的髮型了,而是國際化,不用限定某種文化。 Q7. 秋冬較乾燥,需要為頭髮做保濕Treatment嗎﹖ Kim﹕ 不論冬天或夏天,都應該多做頭髮護理。有時間的話,可以每個月到專業的Salon 做treatment。 Q8. 「削」頭髮會造成壞影響嗎﹖ Kim﹕ 不能說對頭髮造成傷害,但削髮太多會使頭髮看來較乾燥。

安室奈美惠為VS Sassoon日本閃鑽滋潤系列代言

安室奈美惠為VS Sassoon日本閃鑽滋潤系列代言 VS Sassoon延續第一缉Fashion X Music X VS的概念,今次請來殿堂級天后安室奈美惠為品牌代言,配合最新時裝潮流,打造出富80年代風格的華麗貴族造型,為最新推出的VS Sassoon日本閃鑽滋潤系列拍攝全新廣告片,締造全新閃鑽型格Total Look。 繼早前的70年代潮流造型,今次安室奈美惠在VS Sassoon日本閃鑽滋潤系列全新廣告片中換上一身華麗閃爍服,化身成80年代歌后於舞台上勁歌熱舞,並先後以三個風格截然不同的閃炫造型隆重登場。Patricia Field盛讚安室的復古造型:「80年代的華麗貴族風是當今時裝界的潮流元素,我特別挑選一套以反光衣料做成的舞衣以配搭安室一頭閃亮迷人的秀髮,尤其一件艷紅的雪紡禮服,質感飄逸,能在熱舞中隨安室的華麗大曲髮躍動起來,體現音樂、時裝、髮型三者緊密的結合,盡顯型格舞台皇者魅力。 為到這次拍攝,VS Sassoon誠意邀請國際髮型大師Orlando Pita為安室度身設計了三個復古髮型。Orlando Pita表示尤其喜歡安室的華麗大曲髮造型,嫵媚的大波浪曲髮是80年代不可劃缺的潮流元素,安室獨特的個人風格及性感的氣質完全展現出80年代的華麗典雅。 而安室於廣告片中的主題曲〈What a Feeling〉源自80年代轟動一時的電影「閃舞」,屬由Irene Cara原唱的經典曲目,安室的新版本現經日本金牌監製大澤伸一主理,重新編曲後歌曲的電子配樂節奏強勁,讓大家重拾80年代典雅風味的同時亦會感到煥然一新。

Nippon's Mane Mania

Autumn/Winter's Gonna Be Sizzling Hot in Japan With Stylish Hair Trends That Are The Brainchild Of MASA Artists Hirofumi Kera & Tadashi Hadara. You can't help but love Japan for its vibrant hair culture-from shocking pink highlights on a Mohawk do elegent loose curs tossed with luscious golden brown shades, the people of fashion forward natin has made creating the perfect hairstyle an everyday task to be achieved before stepping out the house. Even an international singing sensation Gwen Stefani has taken an interest in Japan styles with album depicting the hair and fashion scene of Tokyo street girls which was released a cople years ago. However, the Japanese weren't always bent on flaunting hairdos that would make heads turn. Before the 1970s, hairstyles seen around Japan were considered highly conservative, where waxed tresses pulled back neatly into different varieties of buns that are often decorated with combs and hair sticks, as well as lossely tied long hair us

Masa A/W 2008-2009 hair show

Masa A/W 2008-2009 Hair Show @ Shiseido Professional Trends Academy Tokyo. Having heard all about the splendour of Tokyo from awe-stricken friends around me, the city famous for the world's tallest self-supporting steel tower and lively shopping districts with throngs of fashionable individuals to match has always been one of my must-visit travel destinations since time immemorial. So u can imagine my excitement when i heard the news of Masa A/w 2008-2009 hair show. To be held where else but the Shiseido Professional Trends Academy situated within viva la Tokyo of course! Though the extravaganza took place in the ritzy compound of Shiseido Professional Trends Academy, the necessary research and experiment prior to the event were actually carried out in the Shiseido Beauty Creation Center, where topnotch hair and make up artists from the team, Masa, work together to produce sensational hair trneds twice a year. These designs are then introduced to hairstylists and member of the pres

Hair show (Crowning Glory 2008)

My Privilege Book Hair Show (Crowning Glory Hair Studio 2008)@ Tun Jugah/Bourleverd Kuching. This is the 1st time Crowning Glory Show that i been joined this year. Since i left Kuching to singapore to work. I'm appreciated to be the one joining the Fashion shows during 29 december 2007 and 1st juanuary of 2008. Rock and romanticism. Light and shadow. Harmony and rebellion. These are what Rockmantic is all about. Contrasting elements that are merged to create a fascinating whole. Inspired ny a Rock 'n' Roll lifestyle.Styles are paired withrough materials such leather and mental, resulting in a vanished underline that creates near subversive casualness avant grat. One thing about the hair show is that, we took million hours to prepare for it and dress up for it, and it took us less than 30 minutes to show. Thus, the pressure comes in. No mistakes were to be done during the show! It’s ONE TIME SHOW! You can’t go “ooops..” Daniel,Sandy,Dylan,Eguene(in front),Darren( Stage
Shiseido Professional Spring and Summer 2008 Trend This spring/summer season, the ever-stylish Japanese are going for the A-line look wit natural curls. Say Taro Ogura, chief stylish of Garden,"Specifically, leaving the base hair quite thick but giving a spring to the tips results in an impression of lightness. The important point is to avoid rounding of the corners." As far as perming is conserned, the trend leans towards a generally loose curl. The image is one of a less thighly wound, more relaxes wave in which the tips seem to flow outwards. This is the season for bright coloured cloths, so lighter toned dyes would also work to complement these." A fusion of all these ideas, Shiseido Professional's latest Spring/Summer 2008 collection will open your mind to the fashionable world of the Japanese.


Art of Tadashi Harada Zenbu “Art doesn’t always come in conventional (read: boring) forms. Hair and make-up for instance (when executed creatively), can also count as art. The case in point is Tadashi Harada— an established hair and make-up artist from Shiseido who is a regular at New Fashion week. Harada has an ongoing exhibition in Japan, after which some of the pieces will arrive in Singapore, while the rest continue to be shown in other parts of Japan. Having worked with celebrities like Orlando Bloom, Maggie Q and Kenichi Matsuyama (of Death Note fame), Tadashi Harada is an automatic inductee into the beautician’s Hall of Fame (if there were one). Captured in stills, his hair and make-up creations introduce a new dimension to beauty. Drawing inspiration from the Japanese Devilman comics, Harada’s works have deliciously dark overtones and needless to say, piqued our curiosity.”Ghostly pale model… Long, ebony lashes… White electrified hair… This photo evokes a sense of death. Certai


Redefining Art by Tadashi harada

Tadashi Harada Zenbu Beauty Exhibition @ The Art House Redefining Art Comic charactters come to life In a hair collection based on Go Nagai's ever-popular comic series,Devilman,Tadashi Harada of Satellites Shishedo explores the deep, dark complexities of the human nature. Hair and makeup are ingeniously played around with, resulting in a collection that is both fresh and exciting. Now your favourite comic characters have finally come to life!! What's a good piece of art like to you? A beautifully sculpted human portrait that is amazingly lifelike? A majesticstatue that looks perfect in every angle ? Or how about unorthodox hairdos,matched seamlessly with ultra visual makeup? In a collection that reflects the art of hairdressing and makeup, celebrated Japanese hair and makeup artist Tadashi Harada has masterfully created a series of hairstyles inspireed by cult manga(Japanese comic) Devilman. the collection was exhibited over four day period from 22nd to 25th march 2008 at

Tadashi Harada

Tadashi harada FarfinArt From Farfinette FarfinART to Tadashi Harada MorbidART Soon enough Sony would ask her to design a six-character toy set for the Time Capsules collection, an almost natural move for her three-dimensional measures. Other successful figurines would follow, as well as numerous expositions and collaborations with Colette, Adidas, LeSportSac, Coca-Cola and countless press stories in the most prestigious magazines (ie. Vogue, Elle, The Face, XLR8R, Yen etc...) and most recently M.A.C. Cute, sweet and outrageous all at once, these female characters certainly stretches the boundaries of femininity and gender stereotypes
Redken Tribe 2008 Redken Tribe 2008 :Urban Cool LooksFor The Edgy Individual@ Takashimaya Ngee Ann Orchard Part 2 Being someone new to the industry,attending the Redken Tribe 08 for my first ever runway experience was a real eye-opener. The event was all about being a sound celebration(literally,with a DJ on hand) of cool urban culture and street fashion that Redken has become synonymous wih since the early '90s. The show kick off with Eunuce Olsen,who is Singapore's 1stredken spokesperson,strutting down the runway in chic knee high boots and sassy bubble skirts.With the DJ sampling a blend of urban beats, 23 models came marching down the runway in their stylish streetwear from Skin Couture and Edhardy, and makeup from Shu Uemura. Two of the New Zealand hottest hairstyling talents took the stage, drawing much applause.Mana Dave and Richard Kavanage were specially invited from New Zealand to help bring to life Redken's Trend setting and innovative style. Two Trouble men Mana

Redken Tribe 2008

Redken Tribe 2008 :Urban Cool Looks For The Edgy Individual @ Takashimaya Ngee Ann Orchard Here’s the story: I won a ticket to the Redken Tribe show.To be honest, I won the vip sit just infront of the Stage. I’ve never been to a hair show before so it was quite an eye-opening experience! It’s amazing to see the hair stylists work their magic on the runway. This year, Redken has chosen Eunice Olsen as their brand ambassador and I’ve to say, she really worked the runway! Well, they say it’s where “inspirational hair meets entertainment” - I couldn’t agree more. The VIP Lounge.I have a great drink. Redken Tribe 2008:Urban Cool Looks For The Edgy Individual -->Everyone warming up their seats for the show. Ooh, the runway Stage!
MARINA SQUARE Its a lovely night, while i'm walking beside the river bay.When i was watch the invitation fire-works celebration. Its was fun ,beside thati have a great time with my friends . Since i came to singapore, its was great exprince . However, the fire-works celebration wan show by other country such as Korea,Japan, Australia and etc. Beside watching the fire-works, i also enjoying the high-flyer , which was the talest high-flyer in Asian.
Fomula 1 Singtel Grand Prix Singapore This is the 1st time held in the Singapore. I am very excited that i have a time to enjoy the 1st time night racing, which held in singapore. After i finish my work around at 6.00. I spent whole night enjoying the races with my colloeuge. Since the Malaysia Sepang Grand Prix held on. I wish i can join to watch the races. Finally my wish came truth. And i enjoying the races in between of the road Raffles Place , which i tooked 13 minutes in the MRT. Anywhere the races are great and excited.
"Stage" is my just started new life. Place can bring me a lot of carrer n my future. So frenz this is my 1st blog in the web.I will write down all art and fashion on this blog. So hope ur guys are enjoy reading my blog.